PowerEdge Wipers incorporating Mitsuba design technology

DENSO Aftermarket, the aftermarket division of leading original equipment component manufacturer DENSO, is also responsible for PowerEdge, a brand created to fulfil the demand for value products for customers with older vehicles, looking for a more economical choice for replacement parts. To date, its European offering consists of wiper blades and air conditioning compressors.
PowerEdge Wipers incorporating Mitsuba design technology
DENSO Aftermarket, the aftermarket division of leading original equipment component manufacturer DENSO, is also responsible for PowerEdge, a brand created to fulfil the demand for value products for customers with older vehicles, looking for a more economical choice for replacement parts. To date, its European offering consists of wiper blades and air conditioning compressors.
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PowerEdge Wipers incorporating Mitsuba design technology

DENSO Aftermarket, the aftermarket division of leading original equipment component manufacturer DENSO, is also responsible for PowerEdge, a brand created to fulfil the demand for value products for customers with older vehicles, looking for a more economical choice for replacement parts. To date, its European offering consists of wiper blades and air conditioning compressors.

Популярний бюджетний бренд PowerEdge виходить на ринок Європи

Компанія DENSO анонсувала запланований на осінь поточного року вихід на ринки Європи автомобільного бренду PowerEdge, орієнтованого на задоволення попиту на запчастини середнього цінового сегмента. Бренд уже представлений у США, де він завоював популярність серед власників старіших автомобілів, які потребують недорогих деталей для заміни. Зараз ці переваги стануть доступними в Європі, на початковому етапі асортимент включатиме щітки склоочисників та компресори для систем кондиціонування повітря.